Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A higher-ordered surface language that supports Rank-1 parametric polymorphism.
- type Exp0 = PreExp E0Ext Ty0 Ty0
- data E0Ext loc dec
- = LambdaE [(Var, dec)] (PreExp E0Ext loc dec)
- | PolyAppE (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) (PreExp E0Ext loc dec)
- | FunRefE [loc] Var
- | BenchE Var [loc] [PreExp E0Ext loc dec] Bool
- | ParE0 [PreExp E0Ext loc dec]
- | PrintPacked dec (PreExp E0Ext loc dec)
- | CopyPacked dec (PreExp E0Ext loc dec)
- | TravPacked dec (PreExp E0Ext loc dec)
- | L Loc (PreExp E0Ext loc dec)
- | LinearExt (LinearExt loc dec)
- data Ty0
- type DDefs0 = DDefs Ty0
- type DDef0 = DDef Ty0
- type FunDef0 = FunDef Exp0
- type FunDefs0 = FunDefs Exp0
- type Prog0 = Prog Exp0
- data LinearExt loc dec
- data TyScheme = ForAll [TyVar] Ty0
- data MetaTv = Meta Int
- arrIns :: TyScheme -> [Ty0]
- arrOut :: TyScheme -> Ty0
- newMetaTv :: MonadState Int m => m MetaTv
- newMetaTy :: MonadState Int m => m Ty0
- newTyVar :: MonadState Int m => m TyVar
- arrIns' :: Ty0 -> [Ty0]
- tyFromScheme :: TyScheme -> Ty0
- tyVarsFromScheme :: TyScheme -> [TyVar]
- isFunTy :: Ty0 -> Bool
- isCallUnsaturated :: TyScheme -> [Exp0] -> Bool
- saturateCall :: MonadState Int m => TyScheme -> Exp0 -> m Exp0
- tyVarsInTy :: Ty0 -> [TyVar]
- tyVarsInTys :: [Ty0] -> [TyVar]
- metaTvsInTy :: Ty0 -> [MetaTv]
- metaTvsInTys :: [Ty0] -> [MetaTv]
- tyVarsInTyScheme :: TyScheme -> [TyVar]
- metaTvsInTyScheme :: TyScheme -> [MetaTv]
- metaTvsInTySchemes :: [TyScheme] -> [MetaTv]
- arrowTysInTy :: Ty0 -> [Ty0]
- substTyVar :: Map TyVar Ty0 -> Ty0 -> Ty0
- isScalarTy0 :: Ty0 -> Bool
- voidTy0 :: Ty0
- isValidListElemTy0 :: Ty0 -> Bool
- recoverType :: DDefs0 -> Env2 Ty0 -> Exp0 -> Ty0
- type TyCon = String
- class Expression e => Typeable e where
- type Binds e = (Var, [LocOf e], TyOf e, e)
- type Tag = Word8
- data Prim ty
- = AddP
- | SubP
- | MulP
- | DivP
- | ModP
- | ExpP
- | RandP
- | EqIntP
- | LtP
- | GtP
- | LtEqP
- | GtEqP
- | FAddP
- | FSubP
- | FMulP
- | FDivP
- | FExpP
- | FRandP
- | EqFloatP
- | EqCharP
- | FLtP
- | FGtP
- | FLtEqP
- | FGtEqP
- | FSqrtP
- | IntToFloatP
- | FloatToIntP
- | FTanP
- | EqSymP
- | EqBenchProgP String
- | OrP
- | AndP
- | MkTrue
- | MkFalse
- | ErrorP String ty
- | SizeParam
- | IsBig
- | GetNumProcessors
- | PrintInt
- | PrintChar
- | PrintFloat
- | PrintBool
- | PrintSym
- | ReadInt
- | DictInsertP ty
- | DictLookupP ty
- | DictEmptyP ty
- | DictHasKeyP ty
- | SymSetEmpty
- | SymSetInsert
- | SymSetContains
- | SymHashEmpty
- | SymHashInsert
- | SymHashLookup
- | SymHashContains
- | IntHashEmpty
- | IntHashInsert
- | IntHashLookup
- | PDictAllocP ty ty
- | PDictInsertP ty ty
- | PDictLookupP ty ty
- | PDictHasKeyP ty ty
- | PDictForkP ty ty
- | PDictJoinP ty ty
- | LLAllocP ty
- | LLIsEmptyP ty
- | LLConsP ty
- | LLHeadP ty
- | LLTailP ty
- | LLFreeP ty
- | LLFree2P ty
- | LLCopyP ty
- | VAllocP ty
- | VFreeP ty
- | VFree2P ty
- | VLengthP ty
- | VNthP ty
- | VSliceP ty
- | InplaceVUpdateP ty
- | VConcatP ty
- | VSortP ty
- | InplaceVSortP ty
- | VMergeP ty
- | Write3dPpmFile FilePath
- | ReadPackedFile (Maybe FilePath) TyCon (Maybe Var) ty
- | WritePackedFile FilePath ty
- | ReadArrayFile (Maybe (FilePath, Int)) ty
- | RequestEndOf
- | RequestSizeOf
- | Gensym
- class Expression e => Interp s e where
- class (Show e, Out e, FreeVars e) => Expression e where
- type DDefs a = Map Var (DDef a)
- type DataCon = String
- type IsBoxed = Bool
- data DDef a = DDef {}
- class (Out (ArrowTy ty), Show (ArrowTy ty)) => FunctionTy ty where
- type FunDefs ex = Map Var (FunDef ex)
- data FunDef ex = FunDef {}
- data FunMeta = FunMeta {}
- data FunRec
- data FunInline
- = Inline
- | NoInline
- | Inlineable
- data Prog ex = Prog {}
- type TyEnv a = Map Var a
- data Env2 a = Env2 {}
- data PreExp (ext :: Type -> Type -> Type) loc dec
- = VarE Var
- | LitE Int
- | CharE Char
- | FloatE Double
- | LitSymE Var
- | AppE Var [loc] [PreExp ext loc dec]
- | PrimAppE (Prim dec) [PreExp ext loc dec]
- | LetE (Var, [loc], dec, PreExp ext loc dec) (PreExp ext loc dec)
- | IfE (PreExp ext loc dec) (PreExp ext loc dec) (PreExp ext loc dec)
- | MkProdE [PreExp ext loc dec]
- | ProjE Int (PreExp ext loc dec)
- | CaseE (PreExp ext loc dec) [(DataCon, [(Var, loc)], PreExp ext loc dec)]
- | DataConE loc DataCon [PreExp ext loc dec]
- | TimeIt (PreExp ext loc dec) dec Bool
- | WithArenaE Var (PreExp ext loc dec)
- | SpawnE Var [loc] [PreExp ext loc dec]
- | SyncE
- | MapE (Var, dec, PreExp ext loc dec) (PreExp ext loc dec)
- | FoldE { }
- | Ext (ext loc dec)
- data PreExpF (ext :: Type -> Type -> Type) (loc :: Type) (dec :: Type) r
- = VarEF Var
- | LitEF Int
- | CharEF Char
- | FloatEF Double
- | LitSymEF Var
- | AppEF Var [loc] [r]
- | PrimAppEF (Prim dec) [r]
- | LetEF (Var, [loc], dec, r) r
- | IfEF r r r
- | MkProdEF [r]
- | ProjEF Int r
- | CaseEF r [([Char], [(Var, loc)], r)]
- | DataConEF loc [Char] [r]
- | TimeItF r dec Bool
- | WithArenaEF Var r
- | SpawnEF Var [loc] [r]
- | SyncEF
- | MapEF (Var, dec, r) r
- | FoldEF { }
- | ExtF (ext loc dec)
- data PrimF (ty :: Type) r
- = AddPF
- | SubPF
- | MulPF
- | DivPF
- | ModPF
- | ExpPF
- | RandPF
- | EqIntPF
- | LtPF
- | GtPF
- | LtEqPF
- | GtEqPF
- | FAddPF
- | FSubPF
- | FMulPF
- | FDivPF
- | FExpPF
- | FRandPF
- | EqFloatPF
- | EqCharPF
- | FLtPF
- | FGtPF
- | FLtEqPF
- | FGtEqPF
- | FSqrtPF
- | IntToFloatPF
- | FloatToIntPF
- | FTanPF
- | EqSymPF
- | EqBenchProgPF [Char]
- | OrPF
- | AndPF
- | MkTrueF
- | MkFalseF
- | ErrorPF [Char] ty
- | SizeParamF
- | IsBigF
- | GetNumProcessorsF
- | PrintIntF
- | PrintCharF
- | PrintFloatF
- | PrintBoolF
- | PrintSymF
- | ReadIntF
- | DictInsertPF ty
- | DictLookupPF ty
- | DictEmptyPF ty
- | DictHasKeyPF ty
- | SymSetEmptyF
- | SymSetInsertF
- | SymSetContainsF
- | SymHashEmptyF
- | SymHashInsertF
- | SymHashLookupF
- | SymHashContainsF
- | IntHashEmptyF
- | IntHashInsertF
- | IntHashLookupF
- | PDictAllocPF ty ty
- | PDictInsertPF ty ty
- | PDictLookupPF ty ty
- | PDictHasKeyPF ty ty
- | PDictForkPF ty ty
- | PDictJoinPF ty ty
- | LLAllocPF ty
- | LLIsEmptyPF ty
- | LLConsPF ty
- | LLHeadPF ty
- | LLTailPF ty
- | LLFreePF ty
- | LLFree2PF ty
- | LLCopyPF ty
- | VAllocPF ty
- | VFreePF ty
- | VFree2PF ty
- | VLengthPF ty
- | VNthPF ty
- | VSlicePF ty
- | InplaceVUpdatePF ty
- | VConcatPF ty
- | VSortPF ty
- | InplaceVSortPF ty
- | VMergePF ty
- | Write3dPpmFileF [Char]
- | ReadPackedFileF (Maybe [Char]) [Char] (Maybe Var) ty
- | WritePackedFileF [Char] ty
- | ReadArrayFileF (Maybe ([Char], Int)) ty
- | RequestEndOfF
- | RequestSizeOfF
- | GensymF
- data UrTyF (loc :: Type) r
- class FreeVars a where
- class Expression e => Flattenable e where
- class Expression e => Simplifiable e where
- gInlineTrivExp :: Map Var e -> e -> e
- class Expression e => SimplifiableExt e ext where
- gInlineTrivExt :: Map Var e -> ext -> ext
- class Expression e => Substitutable e where
- class Expression e => SubstitutableExt e ext where
- gSubstExt :: Var -> e -> ext -> ext
- gSubstEExt :: e -> e -> ext -> ext
- class Renamable e where
- type HasSimplifiable e l d = (Show l, Out l, Show d, Out d, Expression (e l d), SimplifiableExt (PreExp e l d) (e l d))
- type HasSimplifiableExt e l d = (Show l, Out l, Show d, Out d, Simplifiable (PreExp e l d))
- type HasSubstitutable e l d = (Expression (e l d), SubstitutableExt (PreExp e l d) (e l d), Eq d, Show d, Out d, Eq l, Show l, Out l, Eq (e l d))
- type HasSubstitutableExt e l d = (Eq d, Show d, Out d, Eq l, Show l, Out l, Substitutable (PreExp e l d))
- type HasRenamable e l d = (Renamable l, Renamable d, Renamable (e l d))
- type HasOut ex = (Out ex, Out (TyOf ex), Out (ArrowTy (TyOf ex)))
- type HasShow ex = (Show ex, Show (TyOf ex), Show (ArrowTy (TyOf ex)))
- type HasEq ex = (Eq ex, Eq (TyOf ex), Eq (ArrowTy (TyOf ex)))
- type HasGeneric ex = (Generic ex, Generic (TyOf ex), Generic (ArrowTy (TyOf ex)))
- type HasNFData ex = (NFData ex, NFData (TyOf ex), NFData (ArrowTy (TyOf ex)))
- class (Expression e, Expression ext) => InterpExt s e ext where
- class Interp s e => InterpProg s e where
- gInterpProg :: s -> RunConfig -> Prog e -> IO (s, Value e, ByteString)
- gInterpNoLogs :: s -> RunConfig -> Prog e -> String
- gInterpWithStdout :: s -> RunConfig -> Prog e -> IO (String, [String])
- data Value e
- type ValEnv e = Map Var (Value e)
- type InterpLog = Builder
- data InterpM s e a
- mapExt :: (e1 l d -> e2 l d) -> PreExp e1 l d -> PreExp e2 l d
- mapLocs :: (e l2 d -> e l2 d) -> PreExp e l2 d -> PreExp e l2 d
- mapExprs :: (e -> e) -> Prog e -> Prog e
- mapMExprs :: Monad m => (e -> m e) -> Prog e -> m (Prog e)
- visitExp :: forall l1 l2 e1 e2 d1 d2. (l1 -> l2) -> (e1 l1 d1 -> e2 l2 d2) -> (d1 -> d2) -> PreExp e1 l1 d1 -> PreExp e2 l2 d2
- subst :: HasSubstitutable e l d => Var -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d
- substE :: HasSubstitutable e l d => PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d
- hasTimeIt :: PreExp e l d -> Bool
- hasSpawns :: PreExp e l d -> Bool
- hasSpawnsProg :: Prog (PreExp e l d) -> Bool
- projNonFirst :: (Out l, Out d, Out (e l d)) => Int -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d
- mkProj :: Int -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d
- mkProd :: [PreExp e l d] -> PreExp e l d
- mkLets :: [(Var, [loc], dec, PreExp ext loc dec)] -> PreExp ext loc dec -> PreExp ext loc dec
- flatLets :: [(Var, [l], d, PreExp e l d)] -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d
- tuplizeRefs :: Var -> [Var] -> [d] -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d
- mkProdTy :: [UrTy a] -> UrTy a
- projTy :: Out a => Int -> UrTy a -> UrTy a
- voidTy :: UrTy a
- isProdTy :: UrTy a -> Bool
- isNestedProdTy :: UrTy a -> Bool
- isPackedTy :: UrTy a -> Bool
- isScalarTy :: UrTy a -> Bool
- hasPacked :: Show a => UrTy a -> Bool
- sizeOfTy :: UrTy a -> Maybe Int
- primArgsTy :: Prim (UrTy a) -> [UrTy a]
- primRetTy :: Prim (UrTy a) -> UrTy a
- tyToDataCon :: Show a => UrTy a -> DataCon
- stripTyLocs :: UrTy a -> UrTy ()
- isValidListElemTy :: UrTy a -> Bool
- getPackedTys :: Show a => UrTy a -> [UrTy a]
- assertTriv :: (HasCallStack, Expression e) => e -> a -> a
- assertTrivs :: (HasCallStack, Expression e) => [e] -> a -> a
- lookupDDef :: Out a => DDefs a -> TyCon -> DDef a
- getConOrdering :: Out a => DDefs a -> TyCon -> [DataCon]
- getTyOfDataCon :: Out a => DDefs a -> DataCon -> TyCon
- lookupDataCon :: Out a => DDefs a -> DataCon -> [a]
- lkp :: Out a => DDefs a -> DataCon -> (Var, (DataCon, [(IsBoxed, a)]))
- lookupDataCon' :: Out a => DDef a -> DataCon -> [a]
- insertDD :: DDef a -> DDefs a -> DDefs a
- emptyDD :: DDefs a
- fromListDD :: [DDef a] -> DDefs a
- isVoidDDef :: DDef a -> Bool
- insertFD :: FunDef ex -> FunDefs ex -> FunDefs ex
- fromListFD :: [FunDef ex] -> FunDefs ex
- initFunEnv :: FunDefs a -> TyEnv (ArrowTy (TyOf a))
- progToEnv :: Prog a -> Env2 (TyOf a)
- getFunTy :: Var -> Prog ex -> ArrowTy (TyOf ex)
- emptyEnv2 :: Env2 a
- extendVEnv :: Var -> a -> Env2 a -> Env2 a
- extendsVEnv :: Map Var a -> Env2 a -> Env2 a
- lookupVEnv :: Out a => Var -> Env2 a -> a
- extendFEnv :: Var -> ArrowTy a -> Env2 a -> Env2 a
- lookupFEnv :: Out (ArrowTy a) => Var -> Env2 a -> ArrowTy a
- runInterpM :: InterpM s e a -> s -> IO (a, InterpLog, s)
- execAndPrint :: InterpProg s ex => s -> RunConfig -> Prog ex -> IO ()
- redirectionSize :: Int
- redirectionTag :: DataCon
- isRedirectionTag :: DataCon -> Bool
- redirectionAlt :: Num a => a
- indirectionTag :: DataCon
- isIndirectionTag :: DataCon -> Bool
- indirectionAlt :: Num a => a
- toAbsRANDataCon :: DataCon -> DataCon
- isAbsRANDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
- toRelRANDataCon :: DataCon -> DataCon
- isRelRANDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
- fromRANDataCon :: DataCon -> DataCon
- mkUnpackerName :: TyCon -> Var
- isUnpackerName :: Var -> Bool
- mkPrinterName :: TyCon -> Var
- isPrinterName :: Var -> Bool
- mkCopyFunName :: TyCon -> Var
- isCopyFunName :: Var -> Bool
- mkCopySansPtrsFunName :: TyCon -> Var
- isCopySansPtrsFunName :: Var -> Bool
- mkTravFunName :: TyCon -> Var
- isTravFunName :: Var -> Bool
- mkRelOffsetsFunName :: DataCon -> Var
- isRelOffsetsFunName :: Var -> Bool
The extension point for L0.
LambdaE [(Var, dec)] (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | |
PolyAppE (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | |
FunRefE [loc] Var | |
BenchE Var [loc] [PreExp E0Ext loc dec] Bool | |
ParE0 [PreExp E0Ext loc dec] | |
PrintPacked dec (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | Print a packed value to standard out. |
CopyPacked dec (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | Copy a packed value. |
TravPacked dec (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | Traverse a packed value. |
L Loc (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | |
LinearExt (LinearExt loc dec) |
data LinearExt loc dec Source #
Linear types primitives.
ReverseAppE (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | |
LseqE (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | |
AliasE (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) | |
ToLinearE (PreExp E0Ext loc dec) |
Straightforward parametric polymorphism.
Out TyScheme Source # | |
Generic TyScheme Source # | |
Read TyScheme Source # | |
Show TyScheme Source # | |
NFData TyScheme Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.L0.Syntax | |
Eq TyScheme Source # | |
Ord TyScheme Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.L0.Syntax | |
Pretty TyScheme Source # | |
type Rep TyScheme Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.L0.Syntax type Rep TyScheme = D1 ('MetaData "TyScheme" "Gibbon.L0.Syntax" "gibbon-0.3-inplace" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "ForAll" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [TyVar]) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Ty0))) |
Out MetaTv Source # | |
Generic MetaTv Source # | |
Read MetaTv Source # | |
Show MetaTv Source # | |
NFData MetaTv Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.L0.Syntax | |
Eq MetaTv Source # | |
Ord MetaTv Source # | |
type Rep MetaTv Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.L0.Syntax |
tyFromScheme :: TyScheme -> Ty0 Source #
tyVarsFromScheme :: TyScheme -> [TyVar] Source #
saturateCall :: MonadState Int m => TyScheme -> Exp0 -> m Exp0 Source #
tyVarsInTy :: Ty0 -> [TyVar] Source #
Get the free TyVars from types; no duplicates in result.
tyVarsInTys :: [Ty0] -> [TyVar] Source #
Like tyVarsInTy
metaTvsInTy :: Ty0 -> [MetaTv] Source #
Get the MetaTvs from a type; no duplicates in result.
metaTvsInTys :: [Ty0] -> [MetaTv] Source #
Like metaTvsInTy
tyVarsInTyScheme :: TyScheme -> [TyVar] Source #
Like tyVarsInTy
metaTvsInTyScheme :: TyScheme -> [MetaTv] Source #
Like metaTvsInTy
metaTvsInTySchemes :: [TyScheme] -> [MetaTv] Source #
Like metaTvsInTys
arrowTysInTy :: Ty0 -> [Ty0] Source #
substTyVar :: Map TyVar Ty0 -> Ty0 -> Ty0 Source #
Replace the specified quantified type variables by given meta type variables.
isScalarTy0 :: Ty0 -> Bool Source #
isValidListElemTy0 :: Ty0 -> Bool Source #
Lists of scalars or flat products of scalars are allowed.
class Expression e => Typeable e where Source #
This is NOT a replacement for any typechecker. This only recover type of an expression given a type-environment. Without this, we cannot have truly generic Flattenable, b/c we need to know the type of an expression before we bind it with a LetE.
Typeable (E1Ext () (UrTy ())) Source # | |
Typeable (E2Ext LocArg Ty2) Source # | |
(Out l, Show l, Typeable (E2 l (UrTy l))) => Typeable (E2Ext l (UrTy l)) Source # | |
(Out l, Show l, Typeable (PreExp E3Ext l (UrTy l))) => Typeable (E3Ext l (UrTy l)) Source # | |
Typeable (PreExp E2Ext LocVar (UrTy LocVar)) Source # | The add1 :: Tree ... (add1 [loc1, loc2] tr1) .. in this case, we want the type of (add1 tr1) to be (Tree |
Out (E2Ext LocArg Ty2) => Typeable (PreExp E2Ext LocArg Ty2) Source # | The add1 :: Tree ... (add1 [loc1, loc2] tr1) .. in this case, we want the type of (add1 tr1) to be (Tree |
(Show (), Out (), TyOf (e () (UrTy ())) ~ TyOf (PreExp e () (UrTy ())), FunctionTy (UrTy ()), Typeable (e () (UrTy ()))) => Typeable (PreExp e () (UrTy ())) Source # | A Typeable instance for L1 and L3 (L2 defines it's own) |
Some of these primitives are (temporarily) tagged directly with their return types.
AddP | |
SubP | |
MulP | May need more numeric primitives... |
DivP | |
ModP | Integer division and modulus |
ExpP | Exponentiation |
RandP | Generate a random number. Translates to 'rand()' in C. |
EqIntP | Equality on Int |
LtP | |
GtP | (and () for Int's |
LtEqP | |
GtEqP | and= |
FAddP | |
FSubP | |
FMulP | |
FDivP | |
FExpP | |
FRandP | |
EqFloatP | |
EqCharP | |
FLtP | |
FGtP | |
FLtEqP | |
FGtEqP | |
FSqrtP | |
IntToFloatP | |
FloatToIntP | |
FTanP | Translates to 'tan()' in C. |
EqSymP | Equality on Sym |
EqBenchProgP String | |
OrP | |
AndP | |
MkTrue | Zero argument constructor. |
MkFalse | Zero argument constructor. |
ErrorP String ty | crash and issue a static error message. To avoid needing inference, this is labeled with a return type. |
SizeParam | |
IsBig | Check the size of constructors with size. |
GetNumProcessors | Return the number of processors |
PrintInt | Print an integer to standard out |
PrintChar | Print a character to standard out |
PrintFloat | Print a floating point number to standard out |
PrintBool | Print a boolean to standard out |
PrintSym | Print a symbol to standard out |
ReadInt | Read an int from standard in |
DictInsertP ty | takes dict, k,v; annotated with element type |
DictLookupP ty | takes dict,k errors if absent; annotated with element type |
DictEmptyP ty | annotated with element type to avoid ambiguity |
DictHasKeyP ty | takes dict,k; returns a Bool, annotated with element type |
SymSetEmpty | Creates an empty set |
SymSetInsert | Inserts a symbol into a set of symbols |
SymSetContains | Queries if a symbol is in a set |
SymHashEmpty | Create empty hash table of symbols |
SymHashInsert | Insert a symbol into a hash table |
SymHashLookup | Look up a symbol in a hash table (takes default symbol) |
SymHashContains | Queries if a symbol is in a hash |
IntHashEmpty | Create empty hash table of integers |
IntHashInsert | Insert an integer into a hash table |
IntHashLookup | Look up a integer in a hash table (takes default integer) |
PDictAllocP ty ty | annotated with element type to avoid ambiguity |
PDictInsertP ty ty | takes dict, k, v; annotated with element type |
PDictLookupP ty ty | takes dict, k. errors if absent; annotated with element type |
PDictHasKeyP ty ty | takes dict,k; returns a Bool, annotated with element type |
PDictForkP ty ty | takes dict; returns thread safe safe dicts. |
PDictJoinP ty ty | takes 2 dicts; returns a merged dict. |
LLAllocP ty | |
LLIsEmptyP ty | |
LLConsP ty | |
LLHeadP ty | |
LLTailP ty | |
LLFreeP ty | Free the list, and it's data. |
LLFree2P ty | Free list struct, but not it's data. |
LLCopyP ty | Copy the list node. |
VAllocP ty | Allocate a vector |
VFreeP ty | Free a vector, and it's data. |
VFree2P ty | Free the vector struct, but not it's data. |
VLengthP ty | Length of the vector |
VNthP ty | Fetch the nth element |
VSliceP ty | An efficient slice operation |
InplaceVUpdateP ty | Update ith element of the vector |
VConcatP ty | Flatten a vector |
VSortP ty | A sort primop that accepts a function pointer |
InplaceVSortP ty | A sort primop that sorts the array in place |
VMergeP ty | ASSUMPTION: the vectors being merged have the same underlying mutable array. This assumption is checked at the type level with a Rank-2 type variable. But this evidence is erased (by the desugarer) by the time we get to L0. |
Write3dPpmFile FilePath | |
ReadPackedFile (Maybe FilePath) TyCon (Maybe Var) ty | Read (mmap) a binary file containing packed data. This must be annotated with the
type of the file being read. The |
WritePackedFile FilePath ty | Write a packed value to a file. To enable re-reading this packed value with Gibbon, this primitive gets rid of any absolute pointers in the value. First, it inlines (by copying) any regions pointed to by the packed value. Next, random access nodes are eliminated. We could change them to relative pointers (numeric offsets), but for a first version we can simplify things by getting rid of them completely. |
ReadArrayFile (Maybe (FilePath, Int)) ty | Parse a file into a Vector. This is decorated with the element type. If the element type is a struct, like (Int, Int) for example, each line must contain 2 numbers separated by a space. The Int is the number of lines in the file. |
RequestEndOf | Conveys a demand for the "end of" some packed value, which is fulfilled by Cursorize. N.B. the argument must be a VarE that refers to a packed value. |
RequestSizeOf | Like |
Gensym |
class Expression e => Interp s e where Source #
Pure Gibbon programs, at any stage of compilation, should always be evaluatable to a unique value. The only side effects are timing.
gInterpExp :: RunConfig -> ValEnv e -> DDefs (TyOf e) -> FunDefs e -> e -> InterpM s e (Value e) Source #
class (Show e, Out e, FreeVars e) => Expression e where Source #
A generic interface to expressions found in different phases of the compiler.
Associated Types
The type representation used in this expression.
The location (variable) representation used in this expression.
isTrivial :: e -> Bool Source #
Is an expression considered trivial (duplicatable by the compiler)?
(Out l, Out d, Show l, Show d) => Expression (E0Ext l d) Source # | |
(Out l, Out d, Show l, Show d) => Expression (LinearExt l d) Source # | |
(Show l, Show d, Out l, Out d) => Expression (E1Ext l d) Source # | |
(Out l, Out d, Show l, Show d) => Expression (E2Ext l d) Source # | |
(Out l, Out d, Show l, Show d) => Expression (E3Ext l d) Source # | |
(Out l, Show l, Show d, Out d, Expression (e l d)) => Expression (PreExp e l d) Source # | |
Data type definitions.
Monomorphism: In the extreme case we can strip packed datatypes of all type parameters, or we can allow them to retain type params but require that they always be fully instantiated to monomorphic types in the context of our monomorphic programs.
Here we allow individual to be marked with whether or not they should be boxed. We say that a regular, pointer-based datatype has all-boxed fields, whereas a fully serialized datatype has no boxed fields.
Functor DDef Source # | |
Out a => Out (DDef a) Source # | |
Generic (DDef a) Source # | |
Read a => Read (DDef a) Source # | |
Show a => Show (DDef a) Source # | |
NFData a => NFData (DDef a) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax | |
Eq a => Eq (DDef a) Source # | |
Ord a => Ord (DDef a) Source # | |
Pretty ex => Pretty (DDef ex) Source # | |
type Rep (DDef a) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax type Rep (DDef a) = D1 ('MetaData "DDef" "Gibbon.Language.Syntax" "gibbon-0.3-inplace" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "DDef" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "tyName") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Var) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "tyArgs") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [TyVar]) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "dataCons") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [(DataCon, [(IsBoxed, a)])])))) |
class (Out (ArrowTy ty), Show (ArrowTy ty)) => FunctionTy ty where Source #
A type family describing function types.
FunctionTy Ty0 Source # | |
FunctionTy Ty1 Source # | |
FunctionTy Ty2 Source # | Function types know about locations and traversal effects. |
FunctionTy Ty2 Source # | Function types know about locations and traversal effects. |
A function definiton indexed by a type and expression.
FunDef | |
Out FunMeta Source # | |
Generic FunMeta Source # | |
Read FunMeta Source # | |
Show FunMeta Source # | |
NFData FunMeta Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax | |
Eq FunMeta Source # | |
Ord FunMeta Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax | |
Pretty FunMeta Source # | |
type Rep FunMeta Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax type Rep FunMeta = D1 ('MetaData "FunMeta" "Gibbon.Language.Syntax" "gibbon-0.3-inplace" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "FunMeta" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "funRec") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 FunRec) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "funInline") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 FunInline) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "funCanTriggerGC") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Bool)))) |
Out FunRec Source # | |
Generic FunRec Source # | |
Read FunRec Source # | |
Show FunRec Source # | |
NFData FunRec Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax | |
Eq FunRec Source # | |
Ord FunRec Source # | |
Pretty FunRec Source # | |
type Rep FunRec Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax |
Inline | |
NoInline | |
Inlineable |
Out FunInline Source # | |
Generic FunInline Source # | |
Read FunInline Source # | |
Show FunInline Source # | |
NFData FunInline Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax | |
Eq FunInline Source # | |
Ord FunInline Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax | |
Pretty FunInline Source # | |
type Rep FunInline Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax type Rep FunInline = D1 ('MetaData "FunInline" "Gibbon.Language.Syntax" "gibbon-0.3-inplace" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Inline" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "NoInline" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Inlineable" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))) |
Complete programs include datatype definitions:
For evaluating a complete program, main's type will be an Int or a datatype. For running a pass benchmark, main will be Nothing and we will expect a "benchmark" function definition which consumes an appropriate packed AST datatype.
Prog | |
A common currency for a two part environment consisting of function bindings and regular value bindings.
(Out a, Out (ArrowTy a)) => Out (Env2 a) Source # | |
Generic (Env2 a) Source # | |
(Read (TyOf a), Read a, Read (ArrowTy a)) => Read (Env2 a) Source # | |
(Show (TyOf a), Show a, Show (ArrowTy a)) => Show (Env2 a) Source # | |
(Eq (TyOf a), Eq a, Eq (ArrowTy a)) => Eq (Env2 a) Source # | |
type Rep (Env2 a) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax type Rep (Env2 a) = D1 ('MetaData "Env2" "Gibbon.Language.Syntax" "gibbon-0.3-inplace" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Env2" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "vEnv") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (TyEnv a)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "fEnv") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (TyEnv (ArrowTy a))))) |
data PreExp (ext :: Type -> Type -> Type) loc dec Source #
The source language. It has pointer-based sums and products, as well as packed algebraic datatypes.
- It is parameterized by an a potential extension point.
- It is parameterized by
, the type of locations. - It is parameterized by a decoration, d, attached to every binder.
VarE Var | Variable reference |
LitE Int | Numeric literal |
CharE Char | A character literal |
FloatE Double | Floating point literal |
LitSymE Var | A quoted symbol literal |
AppE Var [loc] [PreExp ext loc dec] | Apply a top-level / first-order function. Instantiate its type schema by providing location-variable arguments, if applicable. |
PrimAppE (Prim dec) [PreExp ext loc dec] | Primitive applications don't manipulate locations. |
LetE (Var, [loc], dec, PreExp ext loc dec) (PreExp ext loc dec) | One binding at a time. Allows binding a list of implicit *location* return vales from the RHS, plus a single "real" value. This list of implicit returnsb |
IfE (PreExp ext loc dec) (PreExp ext loc dec) (PreExp ext loc dec) | |
MkProdE [PreExp ext loc dec] | Tuple construction |
ProjE Int (PreExp ext loc dec) | Tuple projection. |
CaseE (PreExp ext loc dec) [(DataCon, [(Var, loc)], PreExp ext loc dec)] | Case on a datatype. Each bound, unpacked variable lives at a fixed, read-only location. |
DataConE loc DataCon [PreExp ext loc dec] | Construct data that may unpack some fields. The location argument, if applicable, is the byte location at which to write the tag for the sum type. |
TimeIt (PreExp ext loc dec) dec Bool | The boolean being true indicates this TimeIt is really (iterate _) This iterate form is used for criterion-style benchmarking. |
WithArenaE Var (PreExp ext loc dec) | |
SpawnE Var [loc] [PreExp ext loc dec] | |
SyncE | |
MapE (Var, dec, PreExp ext loc dec) (PreExp ext loc dec) | |
FoldE | |
Ext (ext loc dec) | Extension point for downstream language extensions. |
data PreExpF (ext :: Type -> Type -> Type) (loc :: Type) (dec :: Type) r Source #
VarEF Var | |
LitEF Int | |
CharEF Char | |
FloatEF Double | |
LitSymEF Var | |
AppEF Var [loc] [r] | |
PrimAppEF (Prim dec) [r] | |
LetEF (Var, [loc], dec, r) r | |
IfEF r r r | |
MkProdEF [r] | |
ProjEF Int r | |
CaseEF r [([Char], [(Var, loc)], r)] | |
DataConEF loc [Char] [r] | |
TimeItF r dec Bool | |
WithArenaEF Var r | |
SpawnEF Var [loc] [r] | |
SyncEF | |
MapEF (Var, dec, r) r | |
FoldEF | |
ExtF (ext loc dec) |
Foldable (PreExpF ext loc dec) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax Methods fold :: Monoid m => PreExpF ext loc dec m -> m Source # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> m Source # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> m Source # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> b Source # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> b Source # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> b Source # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> b Source # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> a Source # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> a Source # toList :: PreExpF ext loc dec a -> [a] Source # null :: PreExpF ext loc dec a -> Bool Source # length :: PreExpF ext loc dec a -> Int Source # elem :: Eq a => a -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> Bool Source # maximum :: Ord a => PreExpF ext loc dec a -> a Source # minimum :: Ord a => PreExpF ext loc dec a -> a Source # | |
Traversable (PreExpF ext loc dec) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax Methods traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> f (PreExpF ext loc dec b) Source # sequenceA :: Applicative f => PreExpF ext loc dec (f a) -> f (PreExpF ext loc dec a) Source # mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> PreExpF ext loc dec a -> m (PreExpF ext loc dec b) Source # sequence :: Monad m => PreExpF ext loc dec (m a) -> m (PreExpF ext loc dec a) Source # | |
Functor (PreExpF ext loc dec) Source # | |
data PrimF (ty :: Type) r Source #
Foldable (PrimF ty) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax Methods fold :: Monoid m => PrimF ty m -> m Source # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PrimF ty a -> m Source # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> PrimF ty a -> m Source # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PrimF ty a -> b Source # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> PrimF ty a -> b Source # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PrimF ty a -> b Source # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> PrimF ty a -> b Source # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> PrimF ty a -> a Source # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> PrimF ty a -> a Source # toList :: PrimF ty a -> [a] Source # null :: PrimF ty a -> Bool Source # length :: PrimF ty a -> Int Source # elem :: Eq a => a -> PrimF ty a -> Bool Source # maximum :: Ord a => PrimF ty a -> a Source # minimum :: Ord a => PrimF ty a -> a Source # | |
Traversable (PrimF ty) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax | |
Functor (PrimF ty) Source # | |
data UrTyF (loc :: Type) r Source #
IntTyF | |
CharTyF | |
FloatTyF | |
SymTyF | |
BoolTyF | |
ProdTyF [r] | |
SymDictTyF (Maybe Var) (UrTy ()) | |
PackedTyF [Char] loc | |
VectorTyF r | |
PDictTyF r r | |
ListTyF r | |
ArenaTyF | |
SymSetTyF | |
SymHashTyF | |
IntHashTyF | |
PtrTyF | |
CursorTyF |
Foldable (UrTyF loc) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax Methods fold :: Monoid m => UrTyF loc m -> m Source # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UrTyF loc a -> m Source # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> UrTyF loc a -> m Source # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UrTyF loc a -> b Source # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UrTyF loc a -> b Source # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UrTyF loc a -> b Source # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UrTyF loc a -> b Source # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UrTyF loc a -> a Source # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> UrTyF loc a -> a Source # toList :: UrTyF loc a -> [a] Source # null :: UrTyF loc a -> Bool Source # length :: UrTyF loc a -> Int Source # elem :: Eq a => a -> UrTyF loc a -> Bool Source # maximum :: Ord a => UrTyF loc a -> a Source # minimum :: Ord a => UrTyF loc a -> a Source # | |
Traversable (UrTyF loc) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax Methods traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> UrTyF loc a -> f (UrTyF loc b) Source # sequenceA :: Applicative f => UrTyF loc (f a) -> f (UrTyF loc a) Source # mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> UrTyF loc a -> m (UrTyF loc b) Source # sequence :: Monad m => UrTyF loc (m a) -> m (UrTyF loc a) Source # | |
Functor (UrTyF loc) Source # | |
class FreeVars a where Source #
Expression and program types which support a notion of free variables.
gFreeVars :: a -> Set Var Source #
Return a set of free TERM variables. Does not return location variables.
FreeVars LocExp Source # | |
FreeVars LocExp Source # | |
FreeVars a => FreeVars (TyEnv a) Source # | |
FreeVars (E0Ext l d) Source # | |
FreeVars (LinearExt l d) Source # | |
FreeVars (E1Ext l d) Source # | |
FreeVars (E2Ext l d) Source # | |
FreeVars (E3Ext l d) Source # | |
FreeVars (e l d) => FreeVars (PreExp e l d) Source # | Free data variables. Does not include function variables, which currently occupy a different namespace. Does not include location/region variables. |
class Expression e => Flattenable e where Source #
IRs amenable to flattening
gFlattenExp :: DDefs (TyOf e) -> Env2 (TyOf e) -> e -> PassM e Source #
Process an expression into a fully-flattened expression which typically includes a larger number of temporary, local variable bindings.
gFlattenGatherBinds :: DDefs (TyOf e) -> Env2 (TyOf e) -> e -> PassM ([Binds e], e) Source #
A private method. Gather the bindings from a subexpression, but do not "discharge" them by creating a let expression. They are in order, so later may depend on earlier.
class Expression e => Simplifiable e where Source #
IRs amenable to simplification/inlineTrivs. Note that there's a
separate SimplifiableExt
for simplifying extensions. Simplifiable
the only class which makes such a distinction -- b/c when it's simplifying
an extension point, the type of the environment would still be 'M.Map Var e',
where e is a top-level IR. Right now we don't have a class (and probably
don't want to have one as well) which ties an extension point with an IR.
Keeping these classes separate works out nicely.
gInlineTrivExp :: Map Var e -> e -> e Source #
HasSimplifiable e l d => Simplifiable (PreExp e l d) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Passes.InlineTriv |
class Expression e => SimplifiableExt e ext where Source #
gInlineTrivExt :: Map Var e -> ext -> ext Source #
HasSimplifiableExt E1Ext l d => SimplifiableExt (PreExp E1Ext l d) (E1Ext l d) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.L1.Syntax | |
HasSimplifiableExt E2Ext l d => SimplifiableExt (PreExp E2Ext l d) (E2Ext l d) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.L2.Syntax | |
HasSimplifiableExt E3Ext l d => SimplifiableExt (PreExp E3Ext l d) (E3Ext l d) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.L3.Syntax |
class Expression e => Substitutable e where Source #
Generic substitution over expressions.
class Expression e => SubstitutableExt e ext where Source #
HasSubstitutableExt E0Ext l d => SubstitutableExt (PreExp E0Ext l d) (E0Ext l d) Source # | |
HasSubstitutableExt E0Ext l d => SubstitutableExt (PreExp E0Ext l d) (LinearExt l d) Source # | |
HasSubstitutableExt E1Ext l d => SubstitutableExt (PreExp E1Ext l d) (E1Ext l d) Source # | |
HasSubstitutableExt E2Ext l d => SubstitutableExt (PreExp E2Ext l d) (E2Ext l d) Source # | |
HasSubstitutableExt E3Ext l d => SubstitutableExt (PreExp E3Ext l d) (E3Ext l d) Source # | |
class Renamable e where Source #
Alpha renaming, without worrying about name capture -- assuming that Freshen has run before!
Renamable TyVar Source # | |
Renamable Var Source # | |
Renamable Ty0 Source # | |
Renamable () Source # | |
Renamable a => Renamable (UrTy a) Source # | |
HasRenamable E0Ext l d => Renamable (E0Ext l d) Source # | |
HasRenamable E0Ext l d => Renamable (LinearExt l d) Source # | |
HasRenamable E1Ext l d => Renamable (E1Ext l d) Source # | |
HasRenamable E2Ext l d => Renamable (E2Ext l d) Source # | |
HasRenamable E3Ext l d => Renamable (E3Ext l d) Source # | |
HasRenamable e l d => Renamable (PreExp e l d) Source # | |
type HasSimplifiable e l d = (Show l, Out l, Show d, Out d, Expression (e l d), SimplifiableExt (PreExp e l d) (e l d)) Source #
type HasSimplifiableExt e l d = (Show l, Out l, Show d, Out d, Simplifiable (PreExp e l d)) Source #
type HasSubstitutable e l d = (Expression (e l d), SubstitutableExt (PreExp e l d) (e l d), Eq d, Show d, Out d, Eq l, Show l, Out l, Eq (e l d)) Source #
type HasSubstitutableExt e l d = (Eq d, Show d, Out d, Eq l, Show l, Out l, Substitutable (PreExp e l d)) Source #
class (Expression e, Expression ext) => InterpExt s e ext where Source #
gInterpExt :: RunConfig -> ValEnv e -> DDefs (TyOf e) -> FunDefs e -> ext -> InterpM s e (Value e) Source #
class Interp s e => InterpProg s e where Source #
Minimal complete definition
gInterpProg :: s -> RunConfig -> Prog e -> IO (s, Value e, ByteString) Source #
gInterpNoLogs :: s -> RunConfig -> Prog e -> String Source #
Interpret while ignoring timing constructs, and dropping the corresponding output to stdout.
gInterpWithStdout :: s -> RunConfig -> Prog e -> IO (String, [String]) Source #
Interpret and produce a "log" of output lines, as well as a final, printed result. The output lines include timing information.
InterpProg Store Exp2 Source # | |
InterpProg () Exp0 Source # | |
InterpProg () Exp1 Source # | |
It's a first order language with simple values.
VInt Int | |
VChar Char | |
VFloat Double | |
VSym String | |
VBool Bool | |
VDict (Map (Value e) (Value e)) | |
VProd [Value e] | |
VList [Value e] | |
VPacked DataCon [Value e] | |
VLoc | |
VCursor | |
VPtr | Cursor are a pointer into the Store plus an offset into the Buffer. |
VLam [Var] e (ValEnv e) | |
VWrapId Int (Value e) | A wrapper for vectors that wraps the value with an "id".
All Inplace* operations use this "id" to update the value
in |
MonadState s (InterpM s e) Source # | |
MonadWriter InterpLog (InterpM s e) Source # | |
MonadFail (InterpM a b) Source # | |
MonadIO (InterpM s e) Source # | |
Applicative (InterpM s e) Source # | |
Defined in Gibbon.Language.Syntax Methods pure :: a -> InterpM s e a Source # (<*>) :: InterpM s e (a -> b) -> InterpM s e a -> InterpM s e b Source # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> InterpM s e a -> InterpM s e b -> InterpM s e c Source # (*>) :: InterpM s e a -> InterpM s e b -> InterpM s e b Source # (<*) :: InterpM s e a -> InterpM s e b -> InterpM s e a Source # | |
Functor (InterpM s e) Source # | |
Monad (InterpM s e) Source # | |
mapExt :: (e1 l d -> e2 l d) -> PreExp e1 l d -> PreExp e2 l d Source #
Apply a function to the extension points only.
mapLocs :: (e l2 d -> e l2 d) -> PreExp e l2 d -> PreExp e l2 d Source #
Apply a function to the locations only.
visitExp :: forall l1 l2 e1 e2 d1 d2. (l1 -> l2) -> (e1 l1 d1 -> e2 l2 d2) -> (d1 -> d2) -> PreExp e1 l1 d1 -> PreExp e2 l2 d2 Source #
Apply a function to the locations, extensions, and binder-decorations, respectively.
subst :: HasSubstitutable e l d => Var -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d Source #
Substitute an expression in place of a variable.
substE :: HasSubstitutable e l d => PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d Source #
Expensive subst
that looks for a whole matching sub-EXPRESSION.
If the old expression is a variable, this still avoids going under binder.
projNonFirst :: (Out l, Out d, Out (e l d)) => Int -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d Source #
Project something which had better not be the first thing in a tuple.
mkProj :: Int -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d Source #
Smart constructor that immediately destroys products if it can: Does NOT avoid single-element tuples.
mkLets :: [(Var, [loc], dec, PreExp ext loc dec)] -> PreExp ext loc dec -> PreExp ext loc dec Source #
Make a nested series of lets.
flatLets :: [(Var, [l], d, PreExp e l d)] -> PreExp e l d -> PreExp e l d Source #
Alternative version of L1.mkLets that also flattens
isNestedProdTy :: UrTy a -> Bool Source #
Do values of this type contain nested tuples ?
isPackedTy :: UrTy a -> Bool Source #
Are values of this type Packed ?
isScalarTy :: UrTy a -> Bool Source #
tyToDataCon :: Show a => UrTy a -> DataCon Source #
Get the data constructor type from a type, failing if it's not packed
stripTyLocs :: UrTy a -> UrTy () Source #
isValidListElemTy :: UrTy a -> Bool Source #
Lists of scalars or flat products of scalars are allowed.
assertTriv :: (HasCallStack, Expression e) => e -> a -> a Source #
Ensure that an expression is trivial.
assertTrivs :: (HasCallStack, Expression e) => [e] -> a -> a Source #
List version of assertTriv
getConOrdering :: Out a => DDefs a -> TyCon -> [DataCon] Source #
Get the canonical ordering for data constructors, currently based on ordering in the original source code. Takes a TyCon as argument.
getTyOfDataCon :: Out a => DDefs a -> DataCon -> TyCon Source #
Lookup the name of the TyCon that goes with a given DataCon. Must be unique!
lookupDataCon :: Out a => DDefs a -> DataCon -> [a] Source #
Lookup the arguments to a data contstructor.
lkp :: Out a => DDefs a -> DataCon -> (Var, (DataCon, [(IsBoxed, a)])) Source #
Lookup a Datacon. Return (TyCon, (DataCon, [flds]))
lookupDataCon' :: Out a => DDef a -> DataCon -> [a] Source #
Like lookupDataCon
but lookup arguments to a data contstructor for a
specific instance of a datatype.
lookupDataCon' (Maybe Int) Just = [Int]
fromListDD :: [DDef a] -> DDefs a Source #
isVoidDDef :: DDef a -> Bool Source #
Is this an empty type (like 'data Void' in Haskell) ?
fromListFD :: [FunDef ex] -> FunDefs ex Source #
progToEnv :: Prog a -> Env2 (TyOf a) Source #
Abstract some of the differences of top level program types, by having a common way to extract an initial environment. The initial environment has types only for functions.
getFunTy :: Var -> Prog ex -> ArrowTy (TyOf ex) Source #
Look up the input/output type of a top-level function binding.
execAndPrint :: InterpProg s ex => s -> RunConfig -> Prog ex -> IO () Source #
isRedirectionTag :: DataCon -> Bool Source #
redirectionAlt :: Num a => a Source #
isIndirectionTag :: DataCon -> Bool Source #
indirectionAlt :: Num a => a Source #
toAbsRANDataCon :: DataCon -> DataCon Source #
isAbsRANDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool Source #
toRelRANDataCon :: DataCon -> DataCon Source #
isRelRANDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool Source #
fromRANDataCon :: DataCon -> DataCon Source #
mkUnpackerName :: TyCon -> Var Source #
Map a DataCon onto the name of the generated unpack function.
isUnpackerName :: Var -> Bool Source #
mkPrinterName :: TyCon -> Var Source #
Map a DataCon onto the name of the generated print function.
isPrinterName :: Var -> Bool Source #
mkCopyFunName :: TyCon -> Var Source #
isCopyFunName :: Var -> Bool Source #
mkCopySansPtrsFunName :: TyCon -> Var Source #
isCopySansPtrsFunName :: Var -> Bool Source #
mkTravFunName :: TyCon -> Var Source #
isTravFunName :: Var -> Bool Source #
mkRelOffsetsFunName :: DataCon -> Var Source #
isRelOffsetsFunName :: Var -> Bool Source #